Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

  • 4 Ways of Improving Your Appearance Without Cosmetic Surgery

    Pop culture has played a significant role in the way we perceive our bodies, and this attitude has paved the way for cosmetic surgeries. However, these procedures do not come cheap, and not many people can afford them. Fortunately, there are other ways of improving your appearance without expensive procedures. The following are some of them. Waist training A bulging waistline is one of the critical body-related issues that most people grapple with on the regular.

  • Making a Fuss about Floss Reuse: Why You Should Avoid Reusing Floss

    The importance of flossing your teeth can not be understated. Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, you may still be missing those nooks and crannies between teeth that bristles often miss. However, even if you do floss, you should never be tempted to reuse a piece of floss. For starters, just imagine all those microscopic nasties that might still be lingering. In fact, reusing floss can harm your oral health in more ways than one.

  • Do You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal? Here Are Four Times When Wisdom Teeth Removal is Needed Straight Away

    If your dentist has informed you that you need wisdom teeth removal straight away, you may wonder if this procedure is actually necessary. Whilst not all wisdom teeth must be removed, you may have a situation that demands prompt attention. If you have any of the situations discussed below, having the wisdom teeth removed is usually the best course of action.  When Your Wisdom Teeth Are Quite Obvious If your wisdom teeth have erupted through the gums -- and especially if they're nearly as prominent as your back molars -- removal is probably necessary.

About Me

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

As a mum, I know how essential sport can be to children's development. Through team sports like soccer, kids learn persistence, sportsmanship and the value of supporting their team members. However, all that learning carries some risk as well, and a stray elbow or a ball to the face can result in oral injuries. I have been the mum rushing to the emergency room with a precious permanent tooth sitting in a cup of milk. Admittedly, at the time, I wasn't even sure if the cup of milk was the right solution. As a parent, you will face those situations, and I'm here to make sure you know what to do when they pop up. With this blog, let's explore children's dentistry and sports injuries together... I want you to have the info you need to stay cool, calm and collected, regardless of how many teeth are on the pitch.