Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

  • Oral Problems That You Should Never Ignore

    It is recommended to have a dental check-up at least twice a year. However, this does not mean that you should postpone seeing your dentist when you start experiencing abnormal changes with your oral health. A common mistake people make is assuming that their symptoms are not serious, especially if they are not in any acute pain. As such, they end up self-treating with home remedies or over-the-counter medications, and this could end up exacerbating the problem.

  • Oral Health: Selecting the Right Dentures

    There are different causes of tooth loss in the human oral cavity. One of the common ones is the congenital absence of the secondary permanent tooth after a milk tooth is removed. This problem is localised, so the tooth can be replaced with an implant-supported alternative. You can also experience tooth loss on a larger scale through trauma after an accident or after affliction by dental diseases. For instance, periodontal diseases, recurring dental caries and even old age can cause significant loss of teeth.

About Me

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

As a mum, I know how essential sport can be to children's development. Through team sports like soccer, kids learn persistence, sportsmanship and the value of supporting their team members. However, all that learning carries some risk as well, and a stray elbow or a ball to the face can result in oral injuries. I have been the mum rushing to the emergency room with a precious permanent tooth sitting in a cup of milk. Admittedly, at the time, I wasn't even sure if the cup of milk was the right solution. As a parent, you will face those situations, and I'm here to make sure you know what to do when they pop up. With this blog, let's explore children's dentistry and sports injuries together... I want you to have the info you need to stay cool, calm and collected, regardless of how many teeth are on the pitch.