Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

  • How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Remove Nictotine Stains From Teeth

    Smoking is bad for your health in many ways. But one negative way that smoking can affect your teeth is through staining. Tar and nicotine penetrate tooth enamel via the pores in tooth enamel and cause unsightly stains. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can remove stains from smokers' teeth. If your teeth are stained because of smoking, then the following cosmetic dental treatments can help return your teeth to their natural whiteness.

  • All There Is to Know About Denture Relining

    Tooth loss is one of the most common dental issues that may result from an injury or severe tooth decay. And generally, dentures are usually the ideal remedy to missing teeth. They are prosthetic teeth designed to restore your facial aesthetics and mouth's functions after you suffer tooth loss. However, your mouth is in a constant state of change over time. And with other issues like injuries, significant weight loss and gum infection, your dentures may become loose after some time.

  • 4 Best Benefits of Dental Implants

    If you need to replace all, some, or even just one of your teeth, you have many options available to you. Bridges can replace small numbers of missing teeth, while partial or full dentures are available to replace whole arcs of teeth. However, the best solution to many cases of missing teeth is dental implants. Compared to other teeth replacement solutions, dental implants have the following advantages. 1. Dental Implants Protect Bones and Gums

  • Is a Knocked Out Baby Tooth a Dental Emergency?

    As an adult, a knocked-out tooth starts a race against the clock. If you quickly make your way to an emergency dentist, they may be able to replant the tooth—like some grim game show where the prize is that you get to keep all your teeth. But what about when your child knocks out one of their baby teeth due to an accident? Since a baby tooth isn't intended to be permanent, is it a big deal if it's knocked out a little ahead of schedule?

  • Must-Know Facts About Complete Dentures

    Teeth loss, whether due to age, an injury or a disease, can significantly change life as you know it. For example, you suddenly must change your diet and smile less. Besides, social gatherings become a nuisance, and your jaws feel generally weak over time. Fortunately, complete dentures are ideal for severe tooth loss because they can replace an entire arc of missing teeth. That said, many people don't understand full dentures, which often leads to misuse and poor care.

About Me

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

As a mum, I know how essential sport can be to children's development. Through team sports like soccer, kids learn persistence, sportsmanship and the value of supporting their team members. However, all that learning carries some risk as well, and a stray elbow or a ball to the face can result in oral injuries. I have been the mum rushing to the emergency room with a precious permanent tooth sitting in a cup of milk. Admittedly, at the time, I wasn't even sure if the cup of milk was the right solution. As a parent, you will face those situations, and I'm here to make sure you know what to do when they pop up. With this blog, let's explore children's dentistry and sports injuries together... I want you to have the info you need to stay cool, calm and collected, regardless of how many teeth are on the pitch.