Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

The Various Types of Dentures Available for Potential Patients

by Lillian Dixon

Dentures are a great remedy or solution for those who have lost some, most or all of their natural teeth due to old age, gum disease, injury, or any other reason. These artificial teeth replacements are fitted at the exact same place where the natural teeth are missing, so as to restore the facial appearance of the affected individual and boost their confidence, especially when they need to speak or smile. Dentures also help wearers to eat better so they are able to maintain a healthy diet. Thanks to the great advances made in dentistry over the years, the dentures that are available today look more natural-like and function much better than the ones introduced into the market initially. If you are a potential denture wearer, you might be interested in learning about various types of dentures available for you. 

Complete dentures

Complete dentures are also referred to as full dentures. This is because they are available as full sets of teeth for the upper or lower jaw. Full dentures are installed into the patient's mouth once their gum tissue has completely healed from oral surgery, which can take several weeks or even months. Full dentures are great confidence boosters, as it can feel extremely embarrassing speaking or smiling without a whole set of teeth in the upper, lower or both jaws. With a little practice and patience, denture wearers should be able to get back to eating most of the foods they enjoyed before.

Partial dentures 

Gaps left behind by missing teeth can really dent a person's facial appearance. Unlike complete or fill dentures, partials replace one or a couple of missing natural teeth. These dentures are generally used for patients missing one or a few teeth but still have some healthy natural teeth remaining in the upper or lower jaw. Partial dentures are typically held in place using clasps, which are usually made of gum-coloured material. It is these clasps that clip onto the remaining natural teeth, so as to ensure a secure fit.

Dentures can be fully removable or permanent, depending on the specific requirements of the patient. But generally, removable dentures can used as a temporary remedy, as the patient waits for a permanent set of teeth retained or supported with dental implants. It takes some time to get accustomed to wearing new dentures, so it is important for patients to practice a whole lot of patience. 

Talk with a regular or emergency dentist in your area for more information about dentures and other tooth replacement options.


About Me

Children's Sports and Dental Injuries

As a mum, I know how essential sport can be to children's development. Through team sports like soccer, kids learn persistence, sportsmanship and the value of supporting their team members. However, all that learning carries some risk as well, and a stray elbow or a ball to the face can result in oral injuries. I have been the mum rushing to the emergency room with a precious permanent tooth sitting in a cup of milk. Admittedly, at the time, I wasn't even sure if the cup of milk was the right solution. As a parent, you will face those situations, and I'm here to make sure you know what to do when they pop up. With this blog, let's explore children's dentistry and sports injuries together... I want you to have the info you need to stay cool, calm and collected, regardless of how many teeth are on the pitch.